Sunday, November 30, 2008

hellos .
its SEVEN more days to my birthday baby !
cann you believe it ? omg .
i countdown frm like 200 plus days .
and now is like seven . WHOOTS !
hahahs . anyway , sorry for nort posting for so long.
yesterday went to some musical thingy at NUS .
the musical was kinda boring .
didnt really understand but thanks anyway !
but the school is oh mother mary COOL !
is like so freaking hell big cann ?
compare . urghhh>.<
then we went to some park nearby .
we had our macdonalds there .
it was fine , forget about those disgusting insects .
after we ate , we had a farewell 'thing' for auntie suzanne .
as she will be leaving xyz at the end of the year ):
we sang her the 'you are my sunshine' song .
she is a sunshine (: I'LL MISS YOU auntie suzanne(:
then we packed up and headed back to kovan .
after we reached kovan , which was ard hmm , 8 ?
ernest , me , amanda , ht , kelly , szekeat , irvin , henry and yongjie
went to superbowl arcade to played .
amanda dj-maxed all the way .
while kelly and i played car racings , super bishibashi !
super bishibashi was damn funn uhs !
until irvin joined the game-.-
he so much strength , he won like all ? hahs .
but at least i was second (: kelly , you can do better next time !
hahahs . ernest , was like a asshole lahs , trashing ppl-.-
he played car racing with this guy . and kept winning .
the guy was like losing like hell cann .
ASSHOLE PRO'S / urghh .
then after everyone played finish , we headed home .
yongjie,henry and irvin took the other way .
while the rest went to mrt .
ernest and kelly took mrt back .
me, huiting , amanda took bus frm opp. busstop .
szekeat was so nice to pei us walked to busstop (:
soon , huiting's bus came so she left .
szekeat pei-ed us wait for bus . thanks !
then he walked home himself .
homesweethome at ard 1015pm .
hahahs . okaye .
shall post again ? its a boring day tday !
later going ahma's house for dinner .
oh well , BYES .

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

hellos .
hahahs . cant wait . going over to jl place for sleepover !
lalalalas , celebrating with parents earlier ,
so cann go jl place . lols .
hahahs . and we're going escape/k-box the next day .
to aso celebrate my birthday . OMG .
im really really excited mann !
okayes . shall post again .
im dead tired .
goodnites people;D
hellos .
short post tday .
well , woke upp after amanda asshole
woke me up . she came over when im still sleeping-.-
hahahs . then went giants to pei amanda buy fbts .
she bought orange , purple and light blue(:
im missing the light blue .
if nort we'll have the same colours(:
lols . then xyz-ed . went kfc with yongjie too .
met henry and huiting and binbin(:
well , amanda , henry and i didnt eat .
i had phobia of eating kfc after what happened ytd .
i vommited after eating kfc cheesefries-.-
ouh great heavens ! it WAS disgusting .
errk . yuck .
ouh well, then went up to epo sushi get some to it;DD
then up again to comic's to buy my phone scrap(:
then xyz-ed again . djmax-ed and tabletennis .
tingxin came later , and a while later , yonglin too .
we keep suaning yonglin . hahs . funn(:
then i go say :
"if you gt one sentence no vulgar , the sun will rise frm th other side."
hahahs . diaos-.-
hmm , it was ard 615 so ,
me, amanda, yongjie, irvin, yonglin and henry walked together .
then i saw the 53 so we chiong-ed for th bus /
hahahs . funn .
okayes , shall post again .
im need my sleep .
got ushering duty tmr . siann !
but nvms , rather than stay at home ./
9am start , but going for breakfast with huiting and zhihui(:
meeting at 745am . rather early .
thats why im sleeping now .
goodnites people;DD
and ; i killed the grass yesterday.-

Sunday, November 23, 2008

hellos .
back from co camp;DD
pictures on top(:
hahahs . co camp was funn mann .
especially the nightwalk .
we all blindfolded and they put flour and chilli sauce
all over us . urgh .
hahahs . then one time , that varian asshole ,
go pull my hand and turn rounds and rounds and rounds .
wah dizzy like siao . DAMN .
hahahs . then got second part which is to go to 5 stations in
school in the dark with a partner . that one only three grps
got do cos nort enuff time . and i suay kina one of the grps .
hahahs . but it was still funn anyway (:
had many station games , amazing race ,musical chairs
and legs tied together walk . and we were in different grps .
my grp's name was mrs WEE .
HAHAHS . cos our facilitator was cheryl yuen ! lols .
second day was more of practice and practice bahs .
slept at 0430 am on th first nite ,
and 230am on th second nite .
but overall , the camp was great (:
the ex seniors came back too .
it was funn with them around .
after we breaked camp went to meet amanda and ernest .
at white tan . they ate lunch while i drank drinks .
soon kelly came and we talked and ernest slept-.-
ernest went home after that and we took mrt ard /
hahahs . too bored le . lols.
home sweet home afterthat .
went to eat dinner with jialin and wuping later .
then they came over and we chatted till 1015 pm .
they went home later and i quickly bathed again and slept(:
slept till 11 plus tday as i was damn tired lahs .
tday went mavis to sign up for amaths class with jialin and ping .
and both dads . hahahs . wed and sun .
then went giant with dad to buy stuffs .
when ahma hse to eat dinner and now blogging .
okaye im sleeping soon .
co tmr again . urghh !
930-530 . lian till siao luhs .
sorry amanda , cant do quiz but will do soon alrite ?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

hellos .
lols. packing stuffs now(:
hahahs. tday went xyz then dinner with jialin .
first went xyz finished up christmas decorations .
then played djmax . battled with yonglin .
and i won five rounds ! and he won once-.-
hahahs. no offence uhs .
irvin battled with me once and won):
blehs . PRO KIA .
ard 515 kelly and terence left .
then stay there for awhile then went home at ard545 ?
yupp . yonglin and yongjie walked with me cos they
taking frm backgate .
when we leaving xyz , we exchanged slippers-.-
lols. then walk walk walk , changed back in th middle of nowhere.
hahahs. 53-ed to jialin's hse , then went to west plaza
for dinner and buy camp stuffs .
home sweet home after that(:
hahas. okaye peeps .
sleeping early tday cos camp's tmr .
byes peeps !
blog when im back;DD
loves .

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hellos .
hahahs, im abit over excited actually-.-
but cant help lahs , cos i tink its gonna be funn !
tday went to terence&&kj's house , and xyz .
when there with amanda and kelly(:
first to terence house till 3plus .
had lunch there . thanks auntie !
then sent clifford to tuition .
clifford IS terence's brother-.-
well, he makes me think of the big red dog , CLIFFORD !
hahahs. no offence .
anyway , although they are brothers , but they look WORLD's apart ,.
when i say WORLD , its really WORLD .
lols . then went kj house to see royroy;DD
and to play poker . hahahs .
we played taiti . some chinese game ? yupp should be .
in total , terence ..that ASSHOLE PRO .
won SIX times , i won for four times , kelly&kj both two times .
hahahs. at least everyone won at least once .
amanda didnt wanna play so she just dj-maxed all th way /
lols. then went xyz to help out decorate for christmas;DD
WHOOTS ! damn funn mann XD !
amanda decorated the christmas trees halfway-.-
kelly and i th whole place(:
then i did most of the windows and ceiling !
woots , i so proud of myself;DD
hahahs . but we had alot of funn..really .
left there ard 745 and home sweet home (:
hahahs . im gonna buy camp stuffs tmr .
so damn excited;DDDD
lols . over exxagerattions-.-
hahahs . shall post again /
and , jonathan TOH , ure DAMN DAMN lazy man .
good nights people . sweet dreams(:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

boohoo ! im BORED .
just a word , BORED .
okay whatever anyway .
went to work on friday(:
so i didnt go co . hahahs.
well, actually wanted work longer de .
but the boss got mtg so cant luhs .
after that went xyz to meet amanda they all.
then pei that stupid yongjie change his psp casing .
then sadded no more black colour then
i go ask him changed pink colour . lols !
hahahs. and he DID .
lols. anyway , found a job in newspaper .
dunno if cann mahs , goin with jialin they all bahs .
hmm , working at takashimaya .
promoter for some christmas gifts ?
yupp . wonder how much is the pay .
good thing is this job only for a period of time .
nort like kfc's or mac's , have to work at least six months .
then is like start school le still need to work .
very busy lahs like that .
frm 27november -25 december .
wahs sadded siah , if i really go for it then
my birthdae cant celebrate):
but after i will with the money i earn (:
okay at least nort so bad .
hahahs. tmr have co . frm 930-5 pm .
both combine and sectional practice .
hmmm , its FOUR more days to camp .
hahas . wonder if its funn ? \
hope so (: okay shall post again .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

hellos .
im DARN DARN bored !
goodness .
cheryl's rotting soon .
changed song . again .
im yours by jason mraz . find it quite nice .
hahas. later gonna meet jialin for dinner (:
at least SOMETHING for the day .
tmr's having ict in school .
although boring , but at least better than rotting .
really REALLY better .
okay peeps.
off to lunch .

im really confused now .
do i still love you ?
so many questions unanswered .
do you love me ?
or is it i never loved you before ?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

hellos .
havent been posting often .
anyway , changed blogskin&&song !
hahahs. find this skin quite cool((:

vivien and amanda tagged me to do this quiz .

1. people who have been tagged must copy this survey on their blog and may replace
any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

2. tag 5 people to do this survey and those who've been tagged cant refuse to do it .
these people must state who they've been tagged by and cannot tag the same person
whom ther were tagged by continuing this game by tagging it to other people.

1. do you have secrets ?
2. would you fall in love with a guy younger than you ?
-maybe ?
3. do you enjoy school ?
- YES(:
4. what will you do with a million dollars ?
- spend it ?
5. would you fall in love with your best fren ?
-LOL. no way mann. im nort lesbian-.-
6. which is more blessed, loving someone or loved by someone ?
- loved by someone .
7. list out your favourite idol you like !
- hmmm, who knows ?
8. if you have one wish , what will it be ?
- to have many many wishes .
9. is there anything that made you extremely happy ?
- YES(:
10. whats the most memorable thing anyone has done for you ?
- DADDY ! buying me roxy(:
11. how would you want your holidays to be like ?
12. who is currently the most important people to you ?
- hyme<3
13. what is being regretted as the most important thing in your life ?
- nort too sure .
14. is your birthday on a holiday ?
- YES(:
15. what is your favourite colour ?
- PURPLE ! orange && lime green .
16. if you fall in love with two people simultaneously , and both of them do the same thing ,
who would you pick ?
- well, obviously the nicer guy .
17. would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done ?
- perhaps ?
18. what are you doing later ?
- SLEEP(: mama , im tired .

people who's name appeared is tagged .

okay okay , peeps .
done with that DARN long quiz .
okaye . sleeping time's coming .
goodnights people(:
sweet dreams(: