today wasnt a good day for me.
was it for you guys?
woke up at 5 to send mom and sissy to airport.
they're going to japan. (:
came back. slept. then went for religion concert.
okayokay lo. then reached home damn unwell.
took temp. 38.9 D:
high fever. took panadol and slept. fever dropped to 37.4.
but went up again after that. D:
took medicine again, hopefully will drop. ):
if it doesnt subsides, prob not going school tmr.
see how bahs. goodnight. im off to rest.
please continue to tag. reply another time.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
alright, this week was, okay? (:
had chinese oral today, hopefully it went well.
anyw, today on th way home, something funny happened.
LOL man.
amanda and i were boarding the bus,
amanda usually finds the seat, then wait for me before she sits.
in case ppl sit mahh.
then when amanda found a two seater,
i was like behind this woman which was right behind amanda.
means the distance between us was just that woman.
then amanda shouted across saying: " sit here ah?"
then i say, okay lo. which was obvious that we're sitting together right?
but just as amanda sat in, that woman sit beside her=.=
then i was like, standing there, like a idiot.
LOL la. then amanda and i started laughing. ppl ard saw us and laughed also.
._. stupid luh!
ahh, whatever. lol.
anyw, im off. ohya, MIDYR is coming D: im sososooo scared. :X
belinda- hahahha! yayayayaya. (:
amanda- HEH. =.=
jialin-HAHAHA. i (L) shinee mahhh :3 loves.
henry- hahaha. ty! and ya la! amanda._.
angel- YAYAA! onew! <3
amanda- WHAT! you also got post ma. >,<
vi- hahahah okay! :D
yunqin- you saying who? lol. anyw, thanks!
angel- WOAH. means you always come JUST for the songs la! D: evil! LOL.
alright, this week was, okay? (:
had chinese oral today, hopefully it went well.
anyw, today on th way home, something funny happened.
LOL man.
amanda and i were boarding the bus,
amanda usually finds the seat, then wait for me before she sits.
in case ppl sit mahh.
then when amanda found a two seater,
i was like behind this woman which was right behind amanda.
means the distance between us was just that woman.
then amanda shouted across saying: " sit here ah?"
then i say, okay lo. which was obvious that we're sitting together right?
but just as amanda sat in, that woman sit beside her=.=
then i was like, standing there, like a idiot.
LOL la. then amanda and i started laughing. ppl ard saw us and laughed also.
._. stupid luh!
ahh, whatever. lol.
anyw, im off. ohya, MIDYR is coming D: im sososooo scared. :X
belinda- hahahha! yayayayaya. (:
amanda- HEH. =.=
jialin-HAHAHA. i (L) shinee mahhh :3 loves.
henry- hahaha. ty! and ya la! amanda._.
angel- YAYAA! onew! <3
amanda- WHAT! you also got post ma. >,<
vi- hahahah okay! :D
yunqin- you saying who? lol. anyw, thanks!
angel- WOAH. means you always come JUST for the songs la! D: evil! LOL.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
okayokay, sorry for not posting SO long. hahs.
since so many ppl asking me to update, here i am! ^^
haha. peektures on top are study outing w amanda on saturday! (:
alright, lets start from wednesday.
went shopping w huiting and syulynn! :D
bought two new shirts and one formal blouse! (:
im looking for high-waisted shorts, anyone, intro? o.o
heehee. then after headed down to PRP for prefects bbq!
fun ttm. :D
angel and sokkuan came over to ton @ my house.
had LOTSA fun! yay.
thursday: supposed to meet cien to SPCA de,
we headed all th way there, in the end, CLOSED. woahhhhhhhhhhhh~
sadded siol. kinda tired, so bought sm's present and headed home to sleep.
LOL. slept through at home. (:
friday: short words. CCA. thats it. lol.
saturday, went to study w amanda. camwhored alot. haha.
on top :D
today, had tuition and then after headed to my granny's house.
thats all, for basically my whole week. (:
and i finished my chem tys homework! yay! (:
time passes really fast when we're having fun, the hols ended. D:
well, thats life! accept the reality, cheryl!
i've to study like crap from tmr on, until the next hols i guess,
or maybe until after o's bahh, D:
fighting, cheryl! :D
vivian- alright iwill. :D
huiting- TY!
tingxuan- thanks!
angel- SIAO AHHHHHH~ spammer! hahahah. okay, sure! ^^
sockchin- thanks (:
tingxuan- yep, it is._. she's crazy. lol.
cianyuh- thanks!
szemin- replied @ yr blog. :D
vivian- updated, and ya, will tag! (:
sockchin- paisehh la. hahah. ty!
cianyuh- alright! deal! :D
huiting&amanda- UPDATEDDDD! (:
tingxuan- TY!
yunqin- updateddd! :D
rachel- HELLO! :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
escape today!
fun. (:
left and pei-ed them for dinner.
ohoh, going shopping tmr. then to prefect bbq. :D
short post.
my sun may never rise the way it did with you.
but he may never hug me the way that you do.
but at least he makes me feel like a part of his life,
at least he doesnt make me cry,
i know he's the real one for me.
fun. (:
left and pei-ed them for dinner.
ohoh, going shopping tmr. then to prefect bbq. :D
short post.
my sun may never rise the way it did with you.
but he may never hug me the way that you do.
but at least he makes me feel like a part of his life,
at least he doesnt make me cry,
i know he's the real one for me.
Monday, March 15, 2010
cheryl is currently, HIGH ttm! :D
know why? heeee. cause im listening to AMIGO!
hmmmm, saturday concert was a BLAST! damn funnnnnnn :D
had funfair in th morning, then rushed home to bathe ard 2plus.
met syulynn @ cityhall at 430! :DD
because of the stupid IT FAIR, we got stucked. so, we took a cab in the end!
reached there quite early, so we camwhored and we also met ctyf,cianyuh, and yunyue there!
the concert was really really, great. i'll never regret. (:
took pictures of SHINee, videos tooo! anyone wanna watch tell me kkkk! :D
alright, went for prefect the whole todayy. (:
now, blogging. anyway, im going escape tmrr! yays.
hopefully funn. okay, post again k.
tx- hahaha, lazy to post.
jialin- SAME! imy tooo my dear! D:
angel- yes yes yes! shinee is the best! :D
tx- ty!^^ yes, fun ttm!
syulynn- yes, tired la! but its worth it right? :D yep, sarang hae shinee!
tx- thanks!
huiting- YEAHHHHHH! (:
cianyuh- yeah! key rocks my life (:
cheryl is currently, HIGH ttm! :D
know why? heeee. cause im listening to AMIGO!
hmmmm, saturday concert was a BLAST! damn funnnnnnn :D
had funfair in th morning, then rushed home to bathe ard 2plus.
met syulynn @ cityhall at 430! :DD
because of the stupid IT FAIR, we got stucked. so, we took a cab in the end!
reached there quite early, so we camwhored and we also met ctyf,cianyuh, and yunyue there!
the concert was really really, great. i'll never regret. (:
took pictures of SHINee, videos tooo! anyone wanna watch tell me kkkk! :D
alright, went for prefect the whole todayy. (:
now, blogging. anyway, im going escape tmrr! yays.
hopefully funn. okay, post again k.
tx- hahaha, lazy to post.
jialin- SAME! imy tooo my dear! D:
angel- yes yes yes! shinee is the best! :D
tx- ty!^^ yes, fun ttm!
syulynn- yes, tired la! but its worth it right? :D yep, sarang hae shinee!
tx- thanks!
huiting- YEAHHHHHH! (:
cianyuh- yeah! key rocks my life (:
Thursday, March 11, 2010
school was okay todayy.
esp, after school! :D
had fun singing/high-ing & making shinee board in school w syulynn bestie! ^^
its greaaaaaaat manzzzz. i hope when they see it they'll like it! ((((:
post the picture of it tmr kkkkk. sorrys. D:
then i can see shinee again! (L)
zomg, im soooooooooooooo excited.
oh, im having prefect bbq next wednesday! (:
and going shopping before that! woooooos. my hand itchy. :X
hahahahas. alright, post again ya? (:
bye peeps. :D
school was okay todayy.
esp, after school! :D
had fun singing/high-ing & making shinee board in school w syulynn bestie! ^^
its greaaaaaaat manzzzz. i hope when they see it they'll like it! ((((:
post the picture of it tmr kkkkk. sorrys. D:
then i can see shinee again! (L)
zomg, im soooooooooooooo excited.
oh, im having prefect bbq next wednesday! (:
and going shopping before that! woooooos. my hand itchy. :X
hahahahas. alright, post again ya? (:
bye peeps. :D
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

alright, key looks super hot in the top picture. onew's damn cute! (:
alright, im kinda a OFFICIAL shinee fanatic alr. lols.
oh, new update, I LOVE XIAO ZHU TOOOOOOO! :D
anyways, today's amaths was like shit. retest my ass luh.
its like harder-.-
hahahaha. anyway, i think i do better in my first test leh.
we'll see bah. hahaha.
oh, my march holidays are like super uper packed alr!
monday : CO.
tuesday: escape w school.
wednesday: SPCA! yayness. w cien. (:
thursday: escape again, w 1n3! (L)
friday: CO.
packed? haha. and i still have to shop with sup! (L)
i guess on saturday bahs. o.o heeees.
alright, im off.
SOCKCHIN- thanks :D
agnes- thanks!^^
angel- yep, i will lols. who want care her siol? (:
tx- LOL. then you die luh. you create de mah! :X
sockchin- ty~!
tx- thanks thanks!
huiting- HAHAHA! fly to key even better, at least i can forget JABE mahs. and yes! he's hot. :D
yunqin- HERNH! @:
amanda- HERNH! @:
tx- thanks KOR. ! :D
yunqin- COOL MAHHHHHH :3
belinda- YAY! you tagged, after soooooo longgg. :D
huiting- PS lahhhhhh, dont need tell th whole world i sleep de mah!
tx- ty! :X
angel- yep! hahahahah! :D
amanda- UPDATE ALR LAH! @:
Saturday, March 6, 2010

isnt he hot? he have successfully made me melt. really, melted.
alright, short post today. just for replying tags.
anyw, people, i've gotten over it.
the bitch is always a bitch, in my whole life, she will be.
and, i will never forget what she had done to me. and vivian.
whatever it is, why should i let her make me feel miserable? huh?
so, i've decided. im doing all this for myself. not her.
cheryl, hwaiting! :D
okays, im off to watch hello baby! yays. epi 5 & 6 eng subs are here!
(L) SHINee always and always. :D
tx- HI! and yes, im a KEYYYYY crazy! :D
amandaL: okay lahhhh :D, &&& yes, RING DING DONGGGGG. (kelly version)
varian- wlao! you're not suppose to see lah, even if you did, must act like never. :D
sockchin- okay la, fangxin fangxin! ^^
R.- im acting, baby. :D
yunqin- haha :D
sockchin- ty!
angel- im fine, thanks truckloads. :D
pohkian- thanks mummy! (L)
yunqin- i will de. she wont affect my life, and i know it! ^^
amandaL- *HUGS BACK* :D
vi- YAYAYAYA! _____ bitch sucks.
tx- i dont mind forming that grp manzzzz. hahaha! thanks! (L)
sockchin- heeeheee. tyty! ^^ i okay le (L)
bubu! :D
sarang haeyo, shinee. <>
Friday, March 5, 2010
ppl of the earth, this is what i've learnt today.
in this world, there's nothing called FAIR or UNFAIR.
well, who cares anyway right? laughs. hahs.
its always US what. OUR fault what. sorry, then.
i admit, sometimes we really are wrong, but what abt th others?
HUH? the other seniors are very respectable is it?
they are worser okay! at least we bothered. at least.
what abt them? why is it we get this shit scolding, and not them?
the world is just like that, fucking unfair. i mean it.
its always like this isnt it?
how many times did this happened alr?
not saying getting punished, but also last year,
when they din even bother, the tick is still there what, HAH.
isnt it funny? hahs. im laughing, really.
you bitch, did you even bothered to put yrself in our shoes?
huh? did you?
you say we didnt put ourselves in your shoes,
WHAT ABT US? we dont have feelings is it?
example to the sec ones MY ASS LAH.
okay, maybe it's right, we set the wrong example,
but what abt the others? AT LEAST WE BOTHERED TO COME.
and, you put yrself bloody self into our shoes and think k.
you, being humiliated by us INFRONT of the bloody whole class.
you think after humilaiting us, the sec ones will even bother to listen to us?
still dare call us go and teach the sec ones?
fuck you lah bitch.
what the hell is this? i dont see the others getting scolded by you.
they told me, NO ONE went to scold them.
ya right huh? what you tell us?
you told us you did. BULLSHIT.
this is a total shit of crap.
in the veryvery first start, i didnt even like this stupid ____.
i was forced it get into this shit. SHIT, really.
im NEVER going to say anything now, and forever.
if this is the ending you want, if this is the way you want it to be,
fine, you'll get your wish alright.
i WILL attend it. fred not k.
but, dont expect me to reply you, or even talk okay.
i'll just be on time for EVERY FUCKING day,
and, i'll leave when it's time.
in the very end, if my studies are affected,
i hate you bitch.
i HATE you to the fullest, maximum of my level of hatred.
im going to hate you ALL MY LIFE.
in this world, there's nothing called FAIR or UNFAIR.
well, who cares anyway right? laughs. hahs.
its always US what. OUR fault what. sorry, then.
i admit, sometimes we really are wrong, but what abt th others?
HUH? the other seniors are very respectable is it?
they are worser okay! at least we bothered. at least.
what abt them? why is it we get this shit scolding, and not them?
the world is just like that, fucking unfair. i mean it.
its always like this isnt it?
how many times did this happened alr?
not saying getting punished, but also last year,
when they din even bother, the tick is still there what, HAH.
isnt it funny? hahs. im laughing, really.
you bitch, did you even bothered to put yrself in our shoes?
huh? did you?
you say we didnt put ourselves in your shoes,
WHAT ABT US? we dont have feelings is it?
example to the sec ones MY ASS LAH.
okay, maybe it's right, we set the wrong example,
but what abt the others? AT LEAST WE BOTHERED TO COME.
and, you put yrself bloody self into our shoes and think k.
you, being humiliated by us INFRONT of the bloody whole class.
you think after humilaiting us, the sec ones will even bother to listen to us?
still dare call us go and teach the sec ones?
fuck you lah bitch.
what the hell is this? i dont see the others getting scolded by you.
they told me, NO ONE went to scold them.
ya right huh? what you tell us?
you told us you did. BULLSHIT.
this is a total shit of crap.
in the veryvery first start, i didnt even like this stupid ____.
i was forced it get into this shit. SHIT, really.
im NEVER going to say anything now, and forever.
if this is the ending you want, if this is the way you want it to be,
fine, you'll get your wish alright.
i WILL attend it. fred not k.
but, dont expect me to reply you, or even talk okay.
i'll just be on time for EVERY FUCKING day,
and, i'll leave when it's time.
in the very end, if my studies are affected,
i hate you bitch.
i HATE you to the fullest, maximum of my level of hatred.
im going to hate you ALL MY LIFE.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
belated to HONGKI! andandand, early ALVIN PANGGGGSSS! :D
ohohohoh, so many ppl birthday manzzz. -.-
belated to HONGKI! andandand, early ALVIN PANGGGGSSS! :D
ohohohoh, so many ppl birthday manzzz. -.-
hahah! im broke._. bought sissy's, szekeat's and tingxin's birthday presents.
and i still have to buy! D:
for pangsss, and soon after, erhu-er cher : ZHANGBIN LAO SHI! :D
same day as varian, but, heee. im not buying for varian. shhhhh.
hahaha! alright, photos on top are taken ytd^^
some @ nyp, some @ bus. :D w amanda bestie! :D
ohya, had career fair @ sch ytd, the lecturers were super hilarious.
i laughed ttm manxzzzzz._. hahahah! enjoyed th course manymany. (:
then, headed to nyp for design course ;D
many schools went wor O.O kinda shocked.
hahs, one of the nyp-ians there, looked esp like KEYYYYY; myhusband. ;D
heeehee, then i tapped amanda like hell and said: HE VERY HANDSOME SIOL!
then amanda gave me the face._.
and she replied: cause look like KEYYY right? then i was like YAAAAAA! :D
im not kidding yo, he's looks likey keyyyy manzzz.
CHERYL (L) SHINee manymaaaaanyyyyyyy!
hahah! the course was super boring @ first laaaaa._.
then the second part was interesting! except the eyeball part ><
eeeek man. ppl that went should know what im saying. hahs.
this man called "chrislee" told us abt his work as a designer.
that shop has ONE HUNDRED different flavours of chocolates manzzz.
im going to try it someday! :D
ended ard 5plus, then headed back to sch.
kovan-ed, had dinner and went to buy tingxin's present. heeeeheeee.
hope you like it tingxin! ^^
homed after. :D
had EL oral today! (:
hopefully okay? o.o i know my picture discussion CHUI loh._.
i said veh little, when i say little, it is little-.-
hopefully reading and convo can help to pull up? pleaseeeeee!
overall okay laa, i think. and i din know mr lawrence was a EL teacher. O.O
until today, then i know. wooos.
had dnt sketching course again._. like so many courses for DNT right?
hahaha, mr gan's fatherly love to us bah? :D
then after, kovan-ed for dinner, and on th way there,
amanda and i was like, teaching kelly how sing "ringdingdong" -.-\
diaos right? hahaha! super funny, i swear.
she keep singing wrongly! but she managed to learn it sucessfully in th end.
LOL man.
haha, woah, what a LONG post.
alright, im off to view other blogs.
*SHINee! (L)
*you. :D
yonghui- alright!
agnes- ty!^^
vi- WHATWHATWHAT! im always guai de mah. :D
tx- hello! (:
vi- LOL. i saw le :3
sockchin- okayokay luh :D
syulynn- YEPPP! super excited ya? sarang haeyo SHINee! ^^ linked too!
pohkian- HI!
yunqin- haha, yep! ringdingdong hor?:D
sockchin- ty! fred not, i wont de! (:
angel- tyty:D
Monday, March 1, 2010
hahaha! hope you both had a great birthday! ^^
alright, today's school was kinda fine. heee.
ohya, thanks jolene teo for your geog tb! you saved my life~
lols. hmmm, nothing much to say alr leh. o.o
oh oh oh , there's career fair tmr in school for the sec 4's and 5's.
wondering if anyone got wear formal? O:
im looking forward! then after, going to nanyang poly for dnt course._.
dk what it is, but hope its fun. heheheee. :D
alright, nothing much else.
byee lovelies! (:
you're too much.
hahaha! hope you both had a great birthday! ^^
alright, today's school was kinda fine. heee.
ohya, thanks jolene teo for your geog tb! you saved my life~
lols. hmmm, nothing much to say alr leh. o.o
oh oh oh , there's career fair tmr in school for the sec 4's and 5's.
wondering if anyone got wear formal? O:
im looking forward! then after, going to nanyang poly for dnt course._.
dk what it is, but hope its fun. heheheee. :D
alright, nothing much else.
byee lovelies! (:
you're too much.
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