okay yay, my mood's back. :D
lookie my pictures! BEAST, loves! (L)
alright, today was a great day!
went over to bran's place to film the second whisperernews. :D
its fun! (:
heeeheeeee. did my tuition homework and my geog too! :D
yay. omg, im so NOT looking for tuition tmr.
aye, i've to learn to like tuitions. :X
have you guys saw SHINee's recent photos?
there's only minho, taemin, and onew's. (:
waiting for my key's! :DDD
omg, onew's one is a superb disaster.
ohgod, why did the stylist give him a center parting? D:
its okay onew, you're still th cutest k! ^^
k, thats all i think.
[p.s] huiting, i didnt know 4metres is two storeys high! LOL.
how should i say this to you?
like, i dont like you, i dont hate you too.
i cant say hurtful words, cause i dont wanna hurt you.
this is hard for me.