hello lovelies!
i had a great time today.
totally proud of myself. HAHA. okay its stupid anw.
haha. secondly, although i losed $ in mahjong today,
im glad i played with new people today hehe! ^^
lastly, i finally went out with szemin dearest! :D
yay. ~
bought clothes and earrings! while she got clothes, shoes and earrings!
ohh, and we took neoprints too! (:
pictures with szemin, in fb!
haha. alright, gna to work tmr, wonder if its gna be fun? O:
though i need to wake up a zomfg timing, 7.30am. (sians)
hahah. right, gotta do something now!
dearest of the dearest nun noinoy, rachel.
this post is especially for you.
heard you over thru the phone, you're soooo nt okay.
i know, you're just lying that you're fine, cause you dont want me to worry.
looked thru your blogpost alr.
i recalled everything single i had with him as well.
its seems, so familiar.. maybe thats why i totally know you felt when you posted it.
i know that you needed to vent your feelings somewhere.
cause, its all bottled up in your heart, until now its over-filling yeah? i know~
cause i feel this way too. but nun,
do you remember, what you said to me, on the 18th of march, friday?
i told you what you posted exactly.
i told you everything changed in a few days. after my hainan trip.
yours was after your bintan trip.
i told you what happen and now, he's happily with her,
while im here suffering alone.
do you remember, me telling you that i feel like the most stupid girl in the world,
bec i got fooled the third time, over the same darn guy?
do you remember, me telling you that whatever he said was lies?
do you remember me telling you that maybe he was lying the whole time,
and it was just me and my wishful thinking?
he made promises to me as well, and for promises made by the person you love
to be broken hurts us so much, i know.
nun, you were the one that told me, im not the most stupid girl in the world,
its him, its him that doesnt know how to cherish me.
you were one that told me that out there, there's many other doors open for me.
now, its my turn.
you're not stupid, nun.
i believed his sweet words as well, and got fooled too.
if you were stupid, then i am stupid as well.
he might have fooled you, but its him, its his loss. he doesnt know how to cherish you.
at least now you know, and you can prevent yourself frm being fooled once more.
and yes, not crying is an impossible task to do.
cause sometimes, crying makes me feel better too, does it for you?
but theres a saying , " KU GUO JIU SUAN LE"
obviously, its hard to let go just like that after sucha close bond you once had with him.
i know, its hard. cause im struggling too.
bt nun, whether you can sucessful forget him,
starts with your first step. your heart.
its whether it wants to forget anot. if its determine,
sooner or later, no matter how long, 1 month, 1 year,
im sure, you'll be able to do it. time, is what you and i need.
time not only helps us forget, it also reveals everything.
however i want to let you know, im here for you alright?
no matter whoever, ah mao ah gou, dont want you, there's still me okay?
cause you're probably the only one, that i know fully understands it.
remember? we're suppose to do it tgt!
nun! you've got to stand back up! and walk thru this,
cause everyone else is moving on, besides us. if we dont choose to stand,
we'll be forever stuck in this trap. standing up and falling at the same spot.
im sure, we can do it alright? now, i want you to cheer up okay!
dont think of him, dont think of anything abt this anymore,
its gonna be hard, but if theres a will, theres always a way!
i'll be thru thick and thin with you.
i understand that you might feel sad when you see things that remind you of him,
but tell yourself, maybe everything was just, fated.
if he was really meant for you, no matter how long, how far,
he'll still be yours. but if he isnt, no matter how much you fight,
he wouldnt be. so honey girl, cheer up okay?
at least you know, there's another person out there smiling bec you live,
living bec you live. at least you know,
there's another person who knows exactly how you feel~