Monday, November 26, 2007

mornings everyone.
zzz...woke upp early early 2day.
look at THE TIME.
its 9.18!!!! damn early can.
okay. saturday i went to ding lao shi concert thingy.
wif tingxin.vivien.zhihui.huiting.lynn weeeee.emilia.huimin.varian.hsih jiang.adam.maureen.
jaslyn.we met at 4.30 at serangoon then took a bus 22 to tm.
we ate at long john silvers. yumm.
then we took a bus down to tecc there.=]]
actualli, we tot the tampines east community club auditiorium was you know like low class,
but in the end, it was damn cold can. and we[me.ting.vivien.zhihui.] wore clothes not even formal lar. shorts and shirts.???/!! on tat day, varianangmingjie wore the most formal lor.
long sleeve somemore. wth.
so the concert went okay okay. after tat we went mac but onli lynn emilia jaslyn huiting huimin ate. cos we are full.
later got co. sian.
but be4 tat i gonna eat wif frens.

alrite. i'll post sometime again.


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