Helloooooooooooo~ i just feel like starting this way today cause, im not really in a happy mood? im kinda tired now, but i dont feel like sleeping. /: well well, ended school at 12pm today. clar came to find me after my school from home. THANKS. CLARENCEEE~~~ then we went to design school for lunch! then went to slack in the library, while we wait for huiting to end her class. :) ended at 3pm, then i went home to changed to slippers and to vivo we went! met up w the rest alr then went for steamboat dinner. :D full ttvm, i was like gna explode! LOL. then went to walk around, i wanted to buy my num slippers, but no size. SAD DIE ME. SAD DIE. :( then came home after that. ~ well, not going out tmr, i guess? need to go to granny's place tmr evening. sunday going out with classmate to accompany him to buy his school bag .__. and, after prob meeting dexter and ht? not sure though~ monday going shopping!! yay.
hmmm. idk why, but then i hate it when this happens. i dont wna fault anyone and im part of the thing, im in the wrong as well. please, stop thinking you're the one that caused this, cause its neither mine, nor yours nor hers. i know clearly, you're trying to avoid this topic with me, then i shall not have any say i guess. forget it then.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Hello lovelies! its been fast! and my first week of school is almost over!! :D haha. well well, i can say that everything is okay for me except dfund!!!! ahhhhh~ seriously need help for dfund. anyone? O: hmmmm. juliana got into our class! yay! :D happy much. haha. wrote in for tpsu and tp cliquers. hopefully one of which will accept it haha! okay today was a tiring day man. had school till 5pm, then met rachel jialin and brandy for dinner at tampines. went to slack and for bubble tea. LOL. addict of bubble tea sia. /: hehe. kay tmr will be a short school day! 9-12pm only~ and tmr's bag is the lightest! YAY. :P hahahaa. alright, i need my sleep now~ goodnight! cant wait to meet everyone tmr for steamboat yay yay yay~
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hello lovelies, it was a fine day today. :) i have a really really bad feeling about my dfund module..... its damn confusing man! SIGH. hope i can understand it well, urgh. /: and seriously!!! my bag everyday is like fucking heavy only. poor me. :( tmr going for mensa after school YAY. hehe. and im gonna configure my laptop tmr :) haha. kkkkkkkk nothing much i need to sleep now! and hopefully juliana can join 1b115! :D heheheh! praying for her. that'll make four girls! ^^ happy. right, gotta sleep soon. school starts at 9am tmr! :) and, I HATE SOMEBODY IN CLASS URGHHHHHHHHHHH~
did you forget all the plans you made with me? cause baby, i didnt. you said you needed time from my mistakes, but its funny how you used that time to have me replaced. i need to know if i should fight for our love or disown. sigh~
did you forget all the plans you made with me? cause baby, i didnt. you said you needed time from my mistakes, but its funny how you used that time to have me replaced. i need to know if i should fight for our love or disown. sigh~
Monday, April 25, 2011
im feeling it everyday. i want to see you everyday. hope this feeling gets stronger to make me forget my past. you're the reason i look forward to school everyday, eye candy. <3
Sunday, April 24, 2011
HAPPY BIRTHDAY XIUZHENNNNNN! :D hehe. hello lovelies! went to shopping with mummy and sissy todayyyyyy~ hehe happy much! bought new wallet, cause my old wallet is crappily dirty! LOLOL. kay loving my new wallet, its chioooooooooo red! ^^ yay. okay bought new perfume as well! from body shop japanese cherry blossom. sissy bought clothes to share, and went to xing wang for dinner with family! <3 kay OMG, SCHOOL IS TMRRRRRR! school, as in, really SCHOOL! /: goodbyeeeeeee holidays, five months of holidays :( shall look forward to school! TRYING TO.. :) hope i can turn in early tonight, trying! after my stupid body clock is messed up~ goodnight everyone! i hope to see you, tmr. and everyday of my poly life. <:
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I FORGOT TO POSTTTTTTTTTT! ABOUT YYSSCO! :D hehe. GOLD AWARD FOR SYF! YAY! happpppyyyyyyy max~ HAHA! okay, hmmm. its been a boring saturday! woke up at 2plus ._. then watched tv the whole day, lazing and rotting. haha! went out with sissy to tampines mall to buy things :D TMR GOING SHOPPING WITH MUMMY AND SISSY YAYYYYYYYY! and omg, poly life starts next monday! ahhhhh~ i hope i can cope with my studies from there. FIGHTING! ^^ Right, hmm. nothing much else to say, blog again soon! :D and i wna wish XIUZHEN CHEE , happy early birthday!!! although its not twelve yetttt! hehe. I still love you.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hello lovelies! i am superrrr tired! gonna post a short post today before i sleep! haha! well, last day of orientation was funnnnn, but tiring maxxxxx~ LOL. engineering lost to business school this year, again. D: sad die!!! mentors, DONT BE SAD OKAY? we did our besttt! ^^ well, at least! haha! we lost in regatta, thats all! dont cry. ~~ went to school > games in classrooms > lunch > sports complex hall for olympian games > bedok resorvoir regatta! > back to tp class > debrief and collect lecture books! :D hehe. yup thats today~ MY LECTURE BOOKS ARE F HEAVY! >: and its kinda boring when i flipped open my "digital foundamentals I" book. GG! i totally have no interesttttt ._. hopefully everything will be okay for me to handle! anw i wna join TPSU! as my cca. wonder if i can get in! O: alrighttttt, cheryl needs her sleep already!! really tired cant take it anymore! blog again tmr okay? going sentosa tmr YAY! :D and, fyi, my timetable rocks. :D heheheh. go away, will you? annoying asshole.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
clarence: Hello! hehe. im not mushy. its all trueful words k! thanks! :D
liawyixiu: TOO BAD I STILL HATE HER HERNH! :x hehe. changed alr! ^^
jasmine: haha yup homies! thanks for tagging sweetie! :D
cien: yupyup definitely a promiseee! <3 loveyou too! ^^
huiting: paiseh ahhh, haha. now no need login liao (: yup GOOD! ^^
vivian: thinking about it now, it really sounds like marry-ing! LOL. really touched? :D
Amanda: haha i did? :D yay! (Y) yup it definitely is! haha!
jimmy: yah we totally have to keep in touch! i try? once a month! ^^ hehe.
and i wished to see you so badly.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hello lovelies! its been a boring sunday, like all my sundays i usually blog about. woke up, ate, tv, granny's place, dinner, homed. yup, thats a permanent sunday schedule! haha! tmr is the 18th. EIGHTEENTH. a number, i guess, all my friends hate except those in TP. HAHA. know why? school is starting tmr, for them. is that a good or bad thing? hmmm i dont know aye. im looking forward to my orientation on tuesday, 19th. but at the same time, im kinda scared and nervous. the start school jittery feeling is so strongggggggg in me now! /: i really really hope i have nice classmates. ahhhhh. *screams* well here's my blessing to ALL of my friends i know, GOODLUCK FOR SCHOOL TMR!! ^^ oh, heres a group photo of 2c bbq! hehe. forgot to post it.
ah well, as school starts tmr for them, it marks many beginnings and endings. not to say, endings might be unpleasant. but i guess, this is just part of life isnt it? people come and go by our lives! New beginnings, making of new friends, new cliques, and people with different kinds of character. Endings of previous friendships that was once, soooo close. endings of relationships that was once so intimate. Looking at that 2c photo yesterday, i went back to my old yearbooks from yuying, and i started flipping through pages and pages of old memories i had with each and everyone of my friends in all my 4 years in yuying. i guess i have to admit, i really really missed times in secondary 1 and 2, which was actually 2-3 years back alr. missed those good old times, where we as a group, go to kovan for lunch tgt and headed to the playground nearby school to slack. even those unhappy memories, i missed it too. police cases, friend tiffs, and relationship problems. But i guess life still goes on for me, and for everyone out there. it marks a new beginning for me, to move on to my next chapter in life! gonna meet new friends, gonna change the way i lived in my secondary school life, gonna change everything. hmmm, suddenly my post is turning out to be a long post. haha! i thought today's post would be a short one. since i am wishing everyone out there all the best in their starting of schools tmr, i might as well say now. say what? say my sincere wishes to people that has a special place in my heart. <3 it doesnt rank positions okay! ~ i'll write them in groups else i have too many! ._.
tanhuiting,kellychua,vivianpek,amandalee,stepheneng,jimmywee,lewtingxuan,fooszekeat, henrychua,terencetan,chuapohkian. did i miss anyone out? :x shouldnt have! haha! FIRSTLY, THANKYOU EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU GUYS IN THIS CLIQUE. ILOVEYOUGUYS! to the max, really. to be frank, how did this clique actually rised? i cant recall. can you guys recall? O: haha. well, whatever it is. if you're in this clique, it proves IT'S FATED! fated that we're ONE clique, we spend happiest and saddest moments tgt. isnt it? i have to admit, there are times when we had conflicts. HUGEEE conflicts till we have to confront each other. remember? but always remember, we also DID have happy times tgt didnt we? i definitely didnt regret joining this clique, even though our outings was always planned by the girls @: hahah! i really sincerely wish that you guys will never forget me, forget us, forget this clique you guys once had in yuying! ALL THE BEST! TO ALL OF YOU. i'll probably lose contact with the guys, as us the girls, are in the same school and as for amanda, i talk to her often through msg. i really hope, in the future next time, if i EVER create an outing again, you guys will attend k? no matter how busy you guys are, no matter how much or awesome your new friends are, DONT EVER, EVER, FORGET US. i promise, i will remember each and everyone of your birthdays. personally i would like to tell stephen, DONT EVER BECOME BAD! dont smoke, dont keep gambling, dont keep drinking k! its really bad for health. THE OTHER GUYS TOO, watch your attitude towards your friends ok. :) my lovely girls, huiting, DONT DWELL TOO MUCH ON YOUR PAST, MOVE ON TO YOUR NEW AND BRIGHT FUTURE. :) vivian, dont care too much about your leg mark ok? its nothing serious, i swear! if people are gna look at you with those eyes, ignore them k. they are just jealous you have omfg lean LEGS! :D kelly, NEED TO GROW UP OKAY. haiyo haha. i always remb you as the cutest girl in our clique. bubbly girl! ^^ eat more k! too skinny already. :P amanda, work hard this yr alright? :D im sure, you can do it this time, and prove all of them wrong! we'll meet up often k! :) GIRLS, ILOVEYOUALL K. i remb all of us, being retarded and idiotic tgt. taking unglam pictures tgt, laughing, crying tgt. I'LLMISSYOUGUYS! TILL DEATH, THEN WILL BRING US APART. GANS UNITED, ILY. <3
cheongcien, tanhuiting, cheexiuzhen, leetingxin, candyfoo, belindaliaw, joyceteoh, jazreelsiew, rachelzhong, clarenceneo, bertwong, vincenttang. anyone out? :x sorry i have STM. haha! WELL WELL WELL, this clique, is the clique that started in say, sec 3 of my life? THIS WAS THE CLIQUE, THAT MADE MY LIFE IN SEC 3 AND 4, HAPPY. :) i'll say that, im not really close to some people in this clique, close, in a way that i know their personal things. but i guess i really had alot of fun with this clique. its always laughters after laughters when theres outings with this clique. i guess all of you did attend the chalet on the 15 and 16 of november? i really enjoyed myself then, did you guys enjoy? :D just wanna say that IWILLREALLYMISSALL OFYOUPEOPLE! D: Esp, vincenttang, bertwong, and clarenceneo's JOKES, and funny times we mugged during the olevels! it was really memorable. BERTWONG, i guess next time when i see bert outside, YOU WILL DEFINITELY COME INTO MY MEMORY! ^^ you guys indeed left me many of my happiest memories. and most of all, i would like to tell our mother, CIENCHEONG, THANKYOUUUUUUU! <3 if not for you, this clique wouldnt form. if not for you, we wouldnt have any outings, we wouldnt be what we are are, now. :) thankyou for tolerating all of our characters, and also doing soooo much for this clique! i, or should i say we, really appreciated it ALOTTTT k! :D omma, remember our promise okay? :D i hope we all will really stay in contact, and say have a outing at the end of the year! ALL THE BEST FOR SCHOOL OKAY! no matter what, forget me not! LOVEYOUGUYSTODEATH!
wujialin, rachelwuping, jasmineyeo, brandonlau. YOU GUYS, GAVE ME MANY MANY COUNTLESS, FUNNY MEMORIES! :D i'll definitely not forget ANYONE here. well, what should i say. hmm you guys are like my homies, like what jasmine always say. we share our weals and woes all the time, with each other! ITS LIKE, you guys understand me well, very. when im with you guys, im different. cause i know, you guys are friends, that never cares about anything about me but just me, my friendship with you guys. its because of such closeness we have, thats what that holds us, untitled clique so strong as one. i'll like to say, ALTHOUGH I HAVE LEARNT MANY BAD THINGS IN THIS CLIQUE AS WELL, HAHA!, but i really enjoy myself ALL THE TIME, when im out with you guys. it seems to me that, although you guys know that im not all that pretty, im not all that smart, im not all the perfect, you guys still tell me things to boost my self esteem. as all of you know when i just joined the clique, i wasnt as sociable, as outspoken, as bubbly, as daring and as wild i am now. the cheryl now, was able to be her now, all because of you guys! if not for you guys, i guess my life will be veryvery different. i was usually scared of manymany things, even balls, even scary rides, even horror movies. and i always had a very low self-esteem. its you guys, that helped me walk through all these. THANKYOUSOMUCH, untitled clique. <3 i sincerely hope, we still can be this close even after me and jialin starts school, or even when jasmine and brandon gets into their next chapter in their lives as well. i hope we still can meet up often, i hope we still can meet often for night joggings, and lastly, i hope this friendship of ours will remain as strong as how it is now. ILOVEYOUGUYSALOT! as quoted, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. <3
well well, hellooooooooooooooooo! hmmm never expected myself to be so close to you ever since we decided to become partners during our sec 3 and 4 chinese class! :D i guess it was the chinese class that brought us tgt, so close. <3 isnt it? :D well szemin, i sincerely wish you all the best for school okay! and haha, YES YOU CAN MSG ME IF YOU'RE BORED K! ^^ i hope i still can meet up with you next time in future for our shopping trips and outings! i missed all the times we do retarded things tgt during chinese class, our laughters, and of course our gossip sessions! :x haha! szemin, I'LLMISSYOU! :( please promise to keep in contact okay? :D LOVEYOUUUU! <3
Well, if i were to blog from the very start things happened between me and you, i guess this post will be super long. actually, saying it now, i myself dont know how should i start as well. i just want to tell you, that although things between us might be over, thankyou for everything. if it wasnt for you, many things wouldnt happen as well. no matter good or bad, tears or smiles, i still thankyou for making it happen. cause you were the one that made me learn that, not all guys are so practical that goes for looks, not all guys are as bad as people in dramas or any of those guys my friends badmouthed before. going 2years back, or should i say 3, we all did change alot, didnt we? looking back, i really why i didnt realised my feelings earlier. if i were to, i really wonder how things will turn out now. hmm, i guess its pointless to dwell over the past, but to move on happily. all in all, i sincerely wish you all the best for poly! and i really hope we can stay as friends, forever. i dont wna lose this friendship with you, im sure of that. i'll miss everything, those texts, those phonecalls at midnight, and those days i had with you. Dont smoke okay? and also dont keep drinking and clubbing. SEEYOU IN SCHOOL, and dont forget to greet me hello when you see me k! you're the most silly boy i've ever knew. i'llmissyou, and iloveyou.<3 you really have, a special position in my heart, forever i guess.
Right, im finally done with my wishes! i am satisfied with my blogpost today. hehe. happy much! hope most of those mentioned will get to see this. i am going to open my blog. good or bad? haha! goodnight, my readers! going to celebrate vivian's birthday later. :) last outing before school orientation starts! :)

tanhuiting,kellychua,vivianpek,amandalee,stepheneng,jimmywee,lewtingxuan,fooszekeat, henrychua,terencetan,chuapohkian. did i miss anyone out? :x shouldnt have! haha! FIRSTLY, THANKYOU EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU GUYS IN THIS CLIQUE. ILOVEYOUGUYS! to the max, really. to be frank, how did this clique actually rised? i cant recall. can you guys recall? O: haha. well, whatever it is. if you're in this clique, it proves IT'S FATED! fated that we're ONE clique, we spend happiest and saddest moments tgt. isnt it? i have to admit, there are times when we had conflicts. HUGEEE conflicts till we have to confront each other. remember? but always remember, we also DID have happy times tgt didnt we? i definitely didnt regret joining this clique, even though our outings was always planned by the girls @: hahah! i really sincerely wish that you guys will never forget me, forget us, forget this clique you guys once had in yuying! ALL THE BEST! TO ALL OF YOU. i'll probably lose contact with the guys, as us the girls, are in the same school and as for amanda, i talk to her often through msg. i really hope, in the future next time, if i EVER create an outing again, you guys will attend k? no matter how busy you guys are, no matter how much or awesome your new friends are, DONT EVER, EVER, FORGET US. i promise, i will remember each and everyone of your birthdays. personally i would like to tell stephen, DONT EVER BECOME BAD! dont smoke, dont keep gambling, dont keep drinking k! its really bad for health. THE OTHER GUYS TOO, watch your attitude towards your friends ok. :) my lovely girls, huiting, DONT DWELL TOO MUCH ON YOUR PAST, MOVE ON TO YOUR NEW AND BRIGHT FUTURE. :) vivian, dont care too much about your leg mark ok? its nothing serious, i swear! if people are gna look at you with those eyes, ignore them k. they are just jealous you have omfg lean LEGS! :D kelly, NEED TO GROW UP OKAY. haiyo haha. i always remb you as the cutest girl in our clique. bubbly girl! ^^ eat more k! too skinny already. :P amanda, work hard this yr alright? :D im sure, you can do it this time, and prove all of them wrong! we'll meet up often k! :) GIRLS, ILOVEYOUALL K. i remb all of us, being retarded and idiotic tgt. taking unglam pictures tgt, laughing, crying tgt. I'LLMISSYOUGUYS! TILL DEATH, THEN WILL BRING US APART. GANS UNITED, ILY. <3
cheongcien, tanhuiting, cheexiuzhen, leetingxin, candyfoo, belindaliaw, joyceteoh, jazreelsiew, rachelzhong, clarenceneo, bertwong, vincenttang. anyone out? :x sorry i have STM. haha! WELL WELL WELL, this clique, is the clique that started in say, sec 3 of my life? THIS WAS THE CLIQUE, THAT MADE MY LIFE IN SEC 3 AND 4, HAPPY. :) i'll say that, im not really close to some people in this clique, close, in a way that i know their personal things. but i guess i really had alot of fun with this clique. its always laughters after laughters when theres outings with this clique. i guess all of you did attend the chalet on the 15 and 16 of november? i really enjoyed myself then, did you guys enjoy? :D just wanna say that IWILLREALLYMISSALL OFYOUPEOPLE! D: Esp, vincenttang, bertwong, and clarenceneo's JOKES, and funny times we mugged during the olevels! it was really memorable. BERTWONG, i guess next time when i see bert outside, YOU WILL DEFINITELY COME INTO MY MEMORY! ^^ you guys indeed left me many of my happiest memories. and most of all, i would like to tell our mother, CIENCHEONG, THANKYOUUUUUUU! <3 if not for you, this clique wouldnt form. if not for you, we wouldnt have any outings, we wouldnt be what we are are, now. :) thankyou for tolerating all of our characters, and also doing soooo much for this clique! i, or should i say we, really appreciated it ALOTTTT k! :D omma, remember our promise okay? :D i hope we all will really stay in contact, and say have a outing at the end of the year! ALL THE BEST FOR SCHOOL OKAY! no matter what, forget me not! LOVEYOUGUYSTODEATH!
wujialin, rachelwuping, jasmineyeo, brandonlau. YOU GUYS, GAVE ME MANY MANY COUNTLESS, FUNNY MEMORIES! :D i'll definitely not forget ANYONE here. well, what should i say. hmm you guys are like my homies, like what jasmine always say. we share our weals and woes all the time, with each other! ITS LIKE, you guys understand me well, very. when im with you guys, im different. cause i know, you guys are friends, that never cares about anything about me but just me, my friendship with you guys. its because of such closeness we have, thats what that holds us, untitled clique so strong as one. i'll like to say, ALTHOUGH I HAVE LEARNT MANY BAD THINGS IN THIS CLIQUE AS WELL, HAHA!, but i really enjoy myself ALL THE TIME, when im out with you guys. it seems to me that, although you guys know that im not all that pretty, im not all that smart, im not all the perfect, you guys still tell me things to boost my self esteem. as all of you know when i just joined the clique, i wasnt as sociable, as outspoken, as bubbly, as daring and as wild i am now. the cheryl now, was able to be her now, all because of you guys! if not for you guys, i guess my life will be veryvery different. i was usually scared of manymany things, even balls, even scary rides, even horror movies. and i always had a very low self-esteem. its you guys, that helped me walk through all these. THANKYOUSOMUCH, untitled clique. <3 i sincerely hope, we still can be this close even after me and jialin starts school, or even when jasmine and brandon gets into their next chapter in their lives as well. i hope we still can meet up often, i hope we still can meet often for night joggings, and lastly, i hope this friendship of ours will remain as strong as how it is now. ILOVEYOUGUYSALOT! as quoted, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. <3
well well, hellooooooooooooooooo! hmmm never expected myself to be so close to you ever since we decided to become partners during our sec 3 and 4 chinese class! :D i guess it was the chinese class that brought us tgt, so close. <3 isnt it? :D well szemin, i sincerely wish you all the best for school okay! and haha, YES YOU CAN MSG ME IF YOU'RE BORED K! ^^ i hope i still can meet up with you next time in future for our shopping trips and outings! i missed all the times we do retarded things tgt during chinese class, our laughters, and of course our gossip sessions! :x haha! szemin, I'LLMISSYOU! :( please promise to keep in contact okay? :D LOVEYOUUUU! <3
Well, if i were to blog from the very start things happened between me and you, i guess this post will be super long. actually, saying it now, i myself dont know how should i start as well. i just want to tell you, that although things between us might be over, thankyou for everything. if it wasnt for you, many things wouldnt happen as well. no matter good or bad, tears or smiles, i still thankyou for making it happen. cause you were the one that made me learn that, not all guys are so practical that goes for looks, not all guys are as bad as people in dramas or any of those guys my friends badmouthed before. going 2years back, or should i say 3, we all did change alot, didnt we? looking back, i really why i didnt realised my feelings earlier. if i were to, i really wonder how things will turn out now. hmm, i guess its pointless to dwell over the past, but to move on happily. all in all, i sincerely wish you all the best for poly! and i really hope we can stay as friends, forever. i dont wna lose this friendship with you, im sure of that. i'll miss everything, those texts, those phonecalls at midnight, and those days i had with you. Dont smoke okay? and also dont keep drinking and clubbing. SEEYOU IN SCHOOL, and dont forget to greet me hello when you see me k! you're the most silly boy i've ever knew. i'llmissyou, and iloveyou.<3 you really have, a special position in my heart, forever i guess.
Right, im finally done with my wishes! i am satisfied with my blogpost today. hehe. happy much! hope most of those mentioned will get to see this. i am going to open my blog. good or bad? haha! goodnight, my readers! going to celebrate vivian's birthday later. :) last outing before school orientation starts! :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011
hello lovelies. had a great time, today! i mean, yesterday. ah, whatever. haha. met jialin at 130pm, then bus-ed down to tampines to get rachel prezzie. :) hopes she likes it, bought her a audio tech headphone, pink edition. (Y) hehe. then went over to ehub for kbox, unfortunately had to join this shit member thing then can have k happy pricing at 6. so we joined member at 10 bucks. had to take this awkward picture there, LOL. kay sang like mad at kbox today. :) was merely venting all my emotions out through songs. Right, after K at 7, jasmine came over to meet us and we had just acia for dinner. surprised rachel dearest with a cake, through a fight of me and brans. hahaha. it was successful this year. after years and years of failure LOL. haha! like finally eh? yup satisfactory to the maximum. :) then went to walker around, and took a long walk home with the clique from ehub. :)) had a <3 to <3 with rachel. cheer up alright bbg? he is not worthy. im here for you! ^^ okay, that was kinda my yesterday. awesome. right, going to have 2c bbq tmr (later), like finally, something after like months of " wanting a meetup " with no actions. hopefully tmr will be a success. even with the omfg low attendance. like half the class coming only -.- due to RP and TP 's separate orientations, many couldnt make it. sigh! its okay. we'll probably have some other time, im sure. :) omfg its 4 more days to orientation!!!!!!!!!! scared to the maximum, how? sigh~ envy those in other polys, whom might already had made many many many new friends in their course or school. :( sigh. why must tp be the latest! :( goodnight, hope you're fine there. sweetest dreams. <3
Thursday, April 14, 2011
why doesnt every love story that happens end happily? i sometimes ask myself why, why do people always say love is a wonderful thing, but i end up getting hurt by love all the time. :( sigh. guess i should not pin anymore hopes on this person anymore, he is not worthy. i guess, if things were supposed to happen, it should have already happened. instead of the situation that we're in right now, yeah? /: alright, move on cheryl. you've got to move on. all the best, to you. the dearest person in my heart, the one that i care about most, the one, that created my best memories in my life so far. Goodbye. i really shouldnt be thinking about you and loving you anymore. friends forever, i guess. Ilovedyou. :)
alright, enough of my personal life. here's what i had been doing today, and my upcoming events this week! haha. went to get presents for someone ( shhhhh ) today with huiting at orchard today. hehe. didnt find anything actually. then trained down to nex to meet cien and clar! <: hehe. bought the present at nex in the end. went to lepak at sky garden for awhile. around 6 clar left for his bb match. while me, ht and cien trained to kovan for cosmo! YAY. happy max. i love cosmo. haha, im sucha pig. kay, then went to walkwalk then home! ^^ hope to meet up soon, again! tmr, or i mean later, going to celebrate rachel bbg's birthday! :D yay. meeting jialin earlier to buy her birthday present. :) hehehe~ friday, having 2c BBQ. although not really sure whether it'll be successful but yah, still excited for it! <: hope that our manpower is enough! /: ANYWAY, ORIENTATION IS COMINGGGGGGGGGGG! I AM SCARED. HOWWWWWW? D: at the same time, excited. cant explain this feeling. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
alright, enough of my personal life. here's what i had been doing today, and my upcoming events this week! haha. went to get presents for someone ( shhhhh ) today with huiting at orchard today. hehe. didnt find anything actually. then trained down to nex to meet cien and clar! <: hehe. bought the present at nex in the end. went to lepak at sky garden for awhile. around 6 clar left for his bb match. while me, ht and cien trained to kovan for cosmo! YAY. happy max. i love cosmo. haha, im sucha pig. kay, then went to walkwalk then home! ^^ hope to meet up soon, again! tmr, or i mean later, going to celebrate rachel bbg's birthday! :D yay. meeting jialin earlier to buy her birthday present. :) hehehe~ friday, having 2c BBQ. although not really sure whether it'll be successful but yah, still excited for it! <: hope that our manpower is enough! /: ANYWAY, ORIENTATION IS COMINGGGGGGGGGGG! I AM SCARED. HOWWWWWW? D: at the same time, excited. cant explain this feeling. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
hello lovelies. its been a boring day for me. stay at home the whole day today, rotting. haha! nothing but watching television programs on tv and stuff. Right, i kinda have nothing to say. hmm, im excited for 2c's bbq, hahaha. And, going to meet huiting and cien tmr~ to buy some stuffs and also to walk around. if nt, i'll rot to death. lolol. having rachel's birthday celebration on thursday, and 2c's bbq on friday! <: and today, DA NAI MA LAI ZHAO WO LE. D: i hate having my periods. HATE IT MAX. but have to endure with it! /: it still beats having it next week during orientation i guess? haha. School is seriously starting!!!! i am totally afraid of orientation! i think, you're still, in my heart.
do you really love him? it seems to me, like you do. it feels that you're not like what everyone is telling me about, it seems to me that you're not as bad as what he thinks you are too. i dont know why, but i just read through something, and i suddenly feel super weird. i suddenly feel your sadness. i suddenly feel that you are really the one for him. why am i feeling this way, suddenly? :( sigh.
Monday, April 11, 2011
hello lovelies. i had a great day today, went out with jialin love to shop! haha. satisfied with what i bought today. :) bought three tops, one ring, and one necklace! yay! and out of the 5 things, 3 things were owls. <: i have a serious obsession for owls. idk why! HAHA. i find them cuteeeeee~ my necklace, ring and one of my tops were owl-related. loved them max. took neoprints, which one looks atrociously ugly!!!!!!!!! i wasnt even prepared for that shot mannnnnnnn. the photo was taken when i was adjusting my hair. tsktsk. decided to print it since it was one of our CANDID shots lol! haha. jialin got three tops toooooo! hehe. right, uploading photos taken on saturday and today on fb now, take alook kay. if only i could easily say 'if only' and change it, everything will be different now.
Sunday, April 10, 2011

hello lovelies! its been a boring sunday for me. urgh. have been rotting practically the whole afternoon. only went out to whitesands for dinner with sissy. :) haha! look at that picture up there. Yup, thats me. i always speak without showing any actions. >: sigh. its un-changable man! haha. supposed to get my cupboard overfilled with bags packed today, but ah, you know. lazyness kills! hmmm guess not only me, but most of you out there do the same yeah? people tend to procastinate alot yeah? haha. its just like that. we have to get nagged like hell before we really go about to do it. haha, whatever. im gna packed it, SOON. :x im kinda worried about my first day at orientation. seriously? water games? /: on a day with all new friends and people, water games? how are we to socialise man. i am very shy to strangers ahhhhh >: forgot how to make friends, forgot how to socialise! Zzzz. school jittery is starting to fill me!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
hello all. Rio is a nice movie. should go watch it you guys. school's starting, and i have mixed feelings. good and bad. excited to go for a new start, but sian that i have to start studying alr. ~ sigh. i have so many things to sigh about. ~
sigh. looks like things have became like this, and will be like this forever. i dont want this to end like that. seriously, i regretted giving you the letter. i regretted being frank with you. Cause if this was going to be the ending, then i will never give that letter to you. i dont wna lose you as my friend. A friend i can never forget. A friend, that once was so close, and nice, and funny. what should i do next time, when i see you on the streets, or happen to bump into you in school next time? do i have to say hi? will i be brave enough to ask you how are you and how is school for you? i really really WISHED, time could go back. so that i can choose not to give you the letter, choose not to let everything else happened, and remained as us, our once before friends that could go out without awkward-ness and weird-ness. i miss it. miss those times when i could tease you as a friend, joke with you, and call you nicknames. i miss the times whenever i called you nicknames and you getting angry and giving me those JB faces. i miss my life in sec two with you. cant we, go back to where we have started before?
sigh. looks like things have became like this, and will be like this forever. i dont want this to end like that. seriously, i regretted giving you the letter. i regretted being frank with you. Cause if this was going to be the ending, then i will never give that letter to you. i dont wna lose you as my friend. A friend i can never forget. A friend, that once was so close, and nice, and funny. what should i do next time, when i see you on the streets, or happen to bump into you in school next time? do i have to say hi? will i be brave enough to ask you how are you and how is school for you? i really really WISHED, time could go back. so that i can choose not to give you the letter, choose not to let everything else happened, and remained as us, our once before friends that could go out without awkward-ness and weird-ness. i miss it. miss those times when i could tease you as a friend, joke with you, and call you nicknames. i miss the times whenever i called you nicknames and you getting angry and giving me those JB faces. i miss my life in sec two with you. cant we, go back to where we have started before?
Friday, April 8, 2011
hi, this post is actually for you. but you wont see it. cause, afterall, my blog's privated. im posting this bec i really have too much feelings bottled up in my heart. i cant help but pour it out alr. the ultimate reason why i posted this was to apologise to you. im sorry, really, sincerely sorry. i didnt know that all along, i've misunderstood you. to this extend then every thing bad that happens i really assume that its you who did it. well maybe you could be lying like again. everytime. but im really sure that you aint that guy in my nightmares this time. im sorry, for everything that i had misunderstood you okay? i didnt mean to make you guilty over it. i didnt know! well, now that _ knows alr, we both cant help but do nothing, isnt it? i guess its really that incident that made him find out bah. but, i know that it isnt you alr, she has clarified with me. and i take back my words, i dont, hate you anymore. and you're no bastard to me. i am sorry. and lastly, you're not a jerk. (:

Thursday, April 7, 2011
hello. i am okay now. thanks to amanda lee! hehe. for showing me that super uper funny video. :) haha! kay anyway, im not intending to care abt any comments coming in my way k. i can just deny it or admit it and treat it as the past. :) fuck off from my life, please. thankyouverymuch. k, done with it. right went out with szemin and vivien today! went to vivo and dhoby. took pictures and shopped! bought a long sleeve tee from F21 hehehe. :D happy. right, going out w sissy and mom tmr, i mean later. ~ haha! should i get the key earpiece? /:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hello lovelies! hehehe. today is a stay home tuesday, with jialin dearest! <3 woke up at 130pm! hahahah what a pig i am. :x lolol. then went to whitesands to buy lunch with jialin! :) we bought takeaways to my home cause sissy said she was in a rush out. haha! then slacked around at my place and jialin started learning proud of you and canon on the piano! hehe. jialin fighting! dont give up yo. :D hehehehe. went running after dinner today! HAPPY MAX! gna run everyday after dinner, TRY TRY. hehehe. need to do running alr! have been eating alot during the holidays! tsktsk. * shakes head! * hahahah. alright going out with szemin, vivien and huiting tmr! excited!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Hello lovelies. i didnt rot today! yay. :) heheheh. went out to get adaptor bag with cien and clar. hehe. well, went to nex, and then to bishan just to waste our time. LOL. seriously, i bet every poly student entering poly this month is AS BORED AS US MANNNNNNNN~ lolol. anyway, back to business, erhemmmmmmmm, okay im damn lame. -_- but! i am not anticipating school to start! AHHHHHH~ how? so not prepared to make new friends, so not prepared to study again, like after say 6 whole months?! so not prepared to wake up early, and schooling life again! it'll never be same as primary and secondary school. /: really unprepared! really hopes everything goes well when i start school. sigh. kay, excited for wednesday outings with szemin and vivien! and also friday homecooking with cien and crew! ^^ weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. really wished time could turn back to where we started. so that i could change the ending to our story. but i guess, no. have got to move on! its hard, though.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
hello lovelies! its a typical boring sunday. hmmm, nothing much on today, more of usual grandma visits and dining at grandma's place. currently back home! (: oh greatttttt, im starting to know how to play tong hua on the piano! yeap, like what the sayings states : PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! :D gonna practice till im used to the beat and fluent with it. hehehe. hmmm, i kinda have nothing to say alr.___. ~ errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. okay really nothing much else. going to have a boring monday unless someone jios me out or someone ambushes my house. HAHAHA. alright, im joking but its really going to be stay home monday, like another stay home day that i can practically just spend my day sleeping and rotting like a pigggg. i sometimes wonder, are you really happy now? and check out my new blogsong by the script! loving it. ~
Saturday, April 2, 2011
hello lovelies! back from clique outing! awww, had sucha great time today! (: met up with almost all of them! yay. happy much. took picture with all, except jimmy. D: sad, forgot to take w him cause he left after the movie and when he came back i forgot! )': nvm, the next time i meet him i'll snap up some pictures with him! hehe. kay anyway met up and went to the grand cathay for movie, HOP. ratings are hmmm, 3.5/5? not too bad, yet not too good either. BUT, ebi was cute. :) weets. right, after movie headed down to chompchomp for dinner! 2nd time there, and still, loving the food there. but today, everything was too spicy man! esp the fried prawn noodles. amanda mixed too much chilli! zomg. i was like .____. when i ate it. haha! but overall food was great! ^^ when over to maju mall, new mall behind chompchomp that was damn small -_- it was practically filled with food only. went up to the skygarden and snap manymanymany pictures! :) first time i used my camera's self timer today! like cooooool. YAY. had frolick after that, and headed home after. :) heeeeeeees. uploading pictures on fb, please check it out! andandand, i have learn something new today : FROLICK = FROGLEG. :D (quoted by henry chua)
hello lovelies! had a great day ytd. ^^ went to MFM @ PS to eat. :) Haha, wondering those MFM staffs must be tired like fuck now. loll. right, after lunch, went to play pool! YAY, me and huiting won! :D hehehehe~ kay anyway is tyco one. hahahaha. going to meet clique later on! :D for movie and chompchomp. excited much! gonna snap lotsa photos again! upload on fb, kay. go check out man you guys! tmr night. <3
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