Hello lovelies! FIRSTLY,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVIAN BESTIEEEE! and also same wishes to
EBENEZER CHAN,CHINGSIMIN, AND CUZZIE PANGXINHUA! hehe. its 4 persons birthday today! like cooool. O: hahaha. hope you liked your presents, vivian and xinhua! ^^ lol. Right, today was the first day of orientation. and im super sad to say, although course MAE has girls in it, but my class, 1B115 unfortunately, only has 2 GIRLS IN TOTAL._. how pathetic is this!! arghhhhh~ kinda shagged when i knew it, but i guess its alright, i should be happy cause we're having lectures and tutorials as a course, so i'll still be able to make friends with the girls in the other classes! and also get to meet other guy- friends too! and im happy to say orientation today was quite okay! hehe. the games were fine, and we learnt cheers for engine school too! (: the mass dance was super funny LOL. But it was enjoyable! :D hahaha. well well, guess it should be okay? yup, cheryl think positive! hehe. anyway my class guys are quite friendly, guess there wouldnt be much problems communicating with them! haha! alright, IM NOT GOING TO ORIENTATION TMR! hehehehe. Causeeeeeeeee, errrrrr think its gonna be boring. Zzz. /: it'll be talks, and talks and talks tmr. sigh. So gna go on thursday instead! excited for thursday for 2 things, 1: TP'S DRAGONBOAT COMPETITION, against all schools in tp. 2: CO'S SYF. though i know i cant make it for syf, but i sincerely wished YYSSCO ALL THE BEST FOR SYF OKAY? :D i'll be praying for you guys!! GOLD AWARD, HERE WE COMEEEEE~ hehehe. :) Going to sentosa on friday! haha. its a GOOD friday yo~ gonna celebrate huiting, xiuzhen and rachel's birthday! weeeees. excited much! alright readers, cheryl needs to sleep already due to the timing she woke up today. goodnight everyone!
clarence: Hello! hehe. im not mushy. its all trueful words k! thanks! :D
liawyixiu: TOO BAD I STILL HATE HER HERNH! :x hehe. changed alr! ^^
jasmine: haha yup homies! thanks for tagging sweetie! :D
cien: yupyup definitely a promiseee! <3 loveyou too! ^^
huiting: paiseh ahhh, haha. now no need login liao (: yup GOOD! ^^
vivian: thinking about it now, it really sounds like marry-ing! LOL. really touched? :D
Amanda: haha i did? :D yay! (Y) yup it definitely is! haha!
jimmy: yah we totally have to keep in touch! i try? once a month! ^^ hehe.
and i wished to see you so badly.
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